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Дата: 27-Jul-2024
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Регистрация домена


Name Class Type P.DEF MP Weight Price
2506 Wolf Leather Armor
  light 9 0  160  6,961
3891 Wolve's Hide Armor
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 13 0  160  17,781
3892 Wolve's Hard Leather Mail
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 16 0  160  32,265
3893 Wolve's Wooden Armor
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 19 0  160  54,779
3894 Wolve's Ring Mail
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 22 0  160  87,433
3912 Hatchling's Soft Leather
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
  light 26 0  160  197,143
3895 Wolve's Bone Armor
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 26 0  160  133,276
3913 Hatchling's Scale Mail
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
  light 29 0  160  314,456
3896 Wolve's Scale Male
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 30 0  160  195,967
3914 Hatchling's Brigandine
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
  light 31 0  160  422,374
3897 Wolve's Bronze Armor
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 33 0  160  256,642
3915 Hatchling's Bronze Coat
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
  light 33 0  160  567,100
3916 Hatchling's Steel Coat
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
  light 36 0  160  758,241
3898 Wolve's Plate Mail
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 37 0  160  331,497
3917 Hatchling's Shadowplate
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
  light 38 0  160  1,098,768
3899 Wolve's Steel Armor
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 40 0  160  422,762
3918 Hatchling's Mithril Coat
Double-click to wear. Only for hatchlings.
  light 41 0  160  1,567,803
3900 Wolve's Luxury Plate
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 43 0  160  644,347
3901 Wolve's Mithril Armor
Double-click to wear. Only for wolves.
  light 47 0  160  938,705

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