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Дата: 11-Mar-2025
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Регистрация домена


Name Class Type P.DEF MP Weight Price
32 Piece Bone Gaiters
  heavy 39 0  4020  19,900
4225 Dream Stockings
  () heavy 43 0  3960  0
4229 Ubiquitous Stockings
  () heavy 43 0  3960  0
34 Bronze Gaiters
  heavy 43 0  3960  30,700
376 Iron Plate Gaiters
D (94) heavy 48 0  3820  52,200
377 Scale Gaiters
D (151) heavy 54 0  3860  83,300
59 Mithril Gaiters
D (230) heavy 61 0  3830  127,000
378 Compound Scale Gaiters
D (230) heavy 61 0  3770  127,000
379 Dwarven Scale Gaiters
D (230) heavy 61 0  3840  127,000
2378 Brigandine Gaiters
D (340) heavy 68 0  3820  187,000
2377 Mithril Scale Gaiters
D (340) heavy 68 0  3870  187,000
380 Plate Gaiters
D (443) heavy 70 0  3770  244,000
381 Chain Gaiters
C (126) heavy 75 0  3680  316,000
382 Dwarven Chain Gaiters
C (161) heavy 80 0  3620  403,000
383 Zubei's Gaiters
B (173) heavy 98 0  3570  1,300,000
2379 Avadon Gaiters
B (173) heavy 98 0  3520  1,300,000
2380 Blue Wolf Gaiters
B (268) heavy 104 0  3370  2,010,000
384 Wolf Gaiters
B (268) heavy 109 0  2560  2,010,000
385 Gaiters of Victory
B (268) heavy 109 0  2240  2,010,000
387 Elven Crystal Gaiters
B (268) heavy 109 0  2240  2,010,000
388 Dark Crystal Gaiters
A (385) heavy 110 0  3320  2,890,000
386 Gaiters of Valor
B (385) heavy 116 0  2240  2,890,000
389 Dragon Scale Gaiters
S (299) heavy 122 0  3260  5,980,000
1147 Squire's Pants
  light 20 0  1750  6
28 Pants
  light 22 0  1740  92
29 Leather Pants
  light 27 0  1730  1,520
2386 Wooden Gaiters
  light 28 0  1670  4,970
30 Hard Leather Pants
  light 29 0  1700  4,970
412 Cotton Pants
  light 32 0  1630  12,700
31 Bone Gaiters
  light 32 0  1680  12,700
33 Hard Leather Gaiters
  light 33 0  1610  23,000
413 Puma Skin Gaiters
D (71) light 36 0  1600  39,100
414 Lion Skin Gaiters
D (113) light 41 0  1570  62,500
416 Reinforced Leather Gaiters
D (173) light 46 0  1570  95,200
415 Mithril Banded Gaiters
D (173) light 46 0  1580  95,200
417 Manticore Skin Gaiters
D (254) light 51 0  1550  140,000
2387 Tempered Mithril Gaiters
C (94) light 56 0  1530  237,000
418 Plated Leather Gaiters
C (111) light 59 0  1560  279,000
419 Rind Leather Gaiters
C (120) light 60 0  1550  302,000
420 Theca Leather Gaiters
C (206) light 66 0  1530  516,000
2388 Zubei's Leather Gaiters
B (129) light 73 0  1480  973,000
423 Guardian's Leather Gaiters
B (201) light 82 0  4800  1,510,000
421 Prairie Leather Gaiters
B (201) light 82 0  4800  1,510,000
2389 Dark Crystalline Leggings
A (289) light 82 0  1480  2,170,000
422 Gaiters of The Underworld
B (289) light 87 0  4800  2,170,000
424 Marksman's Leather Gaiters
B (289) light 87 0  1490  2,170,000
461 Apprentice's Stockings
  magic 10 10  1100  6
462 Stockings
  magic 11 15  1080  92
463 Feriotic Stockings
  magic 13 23  1070  1,520
1103 Cotton Stockings
A pair of pants made of tough cotton
  magic 13 23  1060  1,520
464 Leather Stockings
  magic 16 33  1020  4,970
1104 Stockings of Devotion
A pair of pants with rune characters of mana, embroidered with silk thread
  magic 19 42  1040  12,700
1105 Stockings of Magic
A pair of pants, comfortably designed for mages
  magic 21 54  1030  23,000
465 Cursed Stockings
D (71) magic 24 66  1020  39,100
468 Mystic's Stockings
D (113) magic 27 79  990  62,500
466 Elven Stockings
D (113) magic 27 79  1010  62,500
467 Dark Stockings
D (113) magic 27 79  1000  62,500
469 Stockings of Knowledge
D (173) magic 30 92  1000  95,200
2401 Elven Mithril Stockings
D (254) magic 34 105  2400  140,000
470 Mithril Stockings
D (254) magic 34 105  980  140,000
471 Karmian Stockings
C (94) magic 37 141  970  237,000
472 Demon's Stockings
C (184) magic 43 177  980  460,000
473 Divine Stockings
C (268) magic 46 196  960  671,000
2402 Stockings of Zubei
B (129) magic 49 216  940  973,000
2404 Stockings of Doom
B (201) magic 52 236  910  1,510,000
2403 Blue Wolf Stockings
B (201) magic 52 236  920  1,510,000
474 Stockings of Mana
B (201) magic 55 236  2400  1,510,000
482 Phoenix Stockings
B (201) magic 55 236  2400  1,510,000
2405 Blood Stockings
A (289) magic 55 256  920  2,170,000
478 Stockings of Summoning
B (201) magic 55 236  2400  1,510,000
481 Stockings of Grace
B (201) magic 55 236  2400  1,510,000
484 Stockings of Aid
B (201) magic 55 236  2400  1,510,000
479 Elemental Stockings
B (201) magic 55 236  1600  1,510,000
477 Stockings of Solar Eclipse
B (201) magic 55 236  2400  1,510,000
475 Paradia Stockings
B (201) magic 55 236  1600  1,510,000
476 Inferno Stockings
B (289) magic 58 256  1600  2,170,000
483 Cerberus Stockings
B (289) magic 58 256  6400  2,170,000
480 Stockings of Phantom
B (289) magic 58 256  1600  2,170,000

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